
Having been an Oncology Nurse for over 20 years, I spent many hours on my feet. We were an active family of four; we had two young daughters and running with them and friends, I ended up with pain that led to foot surgery. Diagnosis: Neuroma (bundles of nerve fibers clustered together and interwoven) deep in the middle of my foot. Having the bones placed in proper alignment again, I was left with EXCRUIATING PAIN that ultimately led to a damaged nerve. The pain was more excruciating than anything I had ever experienced.

I saw multiple doctors, and they had no clue what was causing the horrific pain I was experiencing. In addition, all various testing was inconclusive. This left me with four and a half years of gut wrenching chronic pain that eventually progressed to RSD(Reflex Sympathetic Disorder). After four surgeries on my foot and a spinal stimulator implanted into my back for pain control, I continued having such high amounts of pain.

I had begun having migraines 18 days out of 30. After nine years of this, I finally started looking into alternative measures. I kept praying that God would direct me to the right path. We moved to NJ and in 2012. I went to a farmers market where I met Suzanne VanOver, a massage therapist, using strictly Young Living Essential Oils. As I was looking at all the information she had to offer, I read about essential oils and how they affect every cell of the body in aiding and maintaining health above the wellness line.

It is now seven years later. I cannot believe that I am actually enjoying my life.  I am now helping others who wish to learn how to do the same. As a nurse, I am an educator by nature.  I love watching people as I teach when they have that “Ah Ha” moment and their eyes light up.

God made all of the plants on earth for our pleasure and our health. Essential Oils are the life force of plants. Their energy is then transferred to our bodies upon application.  Plant molecules are synergistic with the human body, and these tiny molecules flow easily from cell to cell raising our energy level (hertz) above the Wellness Line.  For more information, please contact me for a personal consultation.  At that time, we can discuss the rest of my story, and I can learn about yours!