
I am a Natural Home Living Advocate and a professed “Chemical Crasher”!   For years I was like everyone else and bought into the marketing of the chemical products that are all over the supermarket shelves.

I thought you could not have a clean home without the bleach smell, wiping and spraying constantly and static free clothes with use of dryer sheets. As a Registered Nurse I saw first hand how the marketing industry controlled what was said and how it was presented to entice our brains to use their product over another.

I realized that western medicine was not really healing patients of their ailments they were just a “quick fix” and that to continue to have this illusion of health, one needed to continue to take the medications on a regular basis, month in and month out. Hence big pharma was getting rich and people were not truly getting better. I started praying for a solution that would help myself and others rather than the standard quick fix. Then I discovered that Natural Products were the way to go.

I was always taught that our bodies are a temple and that we must care for them. I didn’t really know what that meant as a child but after almost 20 years of nursing I came to realize that the garbage of preservatives and chemicals that we put in and onto our bodies affect the cell structure and is one of the causes of sickness and infirmity that the body has to deal with. God created our body to strive for “Balance” in medicine it is called “homeostasis” and no matter what we do, our body always tries to balance itself. We have to give it proper nutrients and fuel to preform optimally. Growing up on a farm I ate fresh vegetables and meat that my father raised, we were very healthy and had abundance of energy. After I got married and started having a family, our youngest child had a health issue at the age of 5 and I started researching and trying to figure out the problem and how to help my child. She was my responsibility so my quest began.

Thank you for joining me to see what we learned, what we did and ultimately how we arrived at the conclusions that an ALL NATURAL, CHEMCIAL FREE HOME WAS THE ONLY WAY TO TRULY ALLOW OUR BODIES TO PREFORM AS GOD INTENDED. We will share our journey with you and prayerfully you too will see the wisdom of making the changes we did and receive the amazing health benefits that we have. I will be here to work with anyone that wishes and will try my very best to offer the best and most sound advice.